Did you get a look at the doorbell button ad in the upper right corner? I find it fairly creepy and certainly suspicious that earlier in the evening I looked at doorbell buttons online, possibly for a few hours even. While I probably won't choose that style I do find there's something enticing about a doorbell button labeled PRESS, just like that in capital letters and everything. I'm sure there's a reason for the apropos nature of the ads and these circumstances are directly related. I'd feel a little better with some sort of proof or acknowledgment of it though. And maybe some guidelines so that all my browsing doesn't produce ads on my channel for everything. Not that there's anything I'm browsing for that's out of bounds. It's just too big brother, too mundane, and just not necessary.

I suppose it's fairly newsworthy that the doorbell button I need to replace (at left, in all it's painted over and dilapidated glory) lasted for about 21.5 years. The manufacturer should be glowing with pride, especially since I've been reading that doorbell button life spans can be as short as 4-11 years. Truly, I don't know how the push button plastic part of it managed to escape dry-rotting and shattering years ago, except that it is very well shaded and weather protected. Even in it's duct-taped and sorry current state it does still work. But it is time for a replacement.
At least I have a lead on a local business where I might be able to see some stock in person. I think if I'd signed up for a channel earlier then there would be ads for llamas instead ;o).
So that's all that's there is so far on my brand new channel. I'm tempted to try making a video of using my Tilta Swift and ball winder to wind a center pull skein. It really works remarkably well and just took a bit of practice to get consistently good results. But to avoid colossal embarrassment I would have to do a lot of putting away of half finished projects that are cluttering up my work space. It's nearly unbearable at times on it's own, just from the lost but around here somewhere supplies alone, but I only have so much energy and that's so much less that what I should have. Besides that, there is nothing I can say about it that would convey such a terribly negative impression as allowing it to appear as the background in a video. That makes two obstacles: reliable or certain means of capturing video and massive straightening to remove unsightly backdrop. Maybe someday I'll get to it. Would love to get everyone using a Tilta Swift - so clever, so economical, so many items you already have on hand that could be put to fabulous use. And a video would be far more convincing than a sparse beginner slideshow.
There's nothing there to see really now, but when it really seems presentable I'll add a link. Cheers!
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