Of course it would be nice to have my Puffed up Pumpkin-y pumpkin bag for that night, but crochet tends to wear on my right wrist lately and right now that's my good wrist. I'm not sure I ever had a use in mind when I started that. It was more of an impulse pattern that I just had to make. Clearly I must be the only one who crafts things because I can't stand the thought of not making at least one. Funny how it doesn't matter whether or not these items are practical or have any intended recipient, or purpose, besides catching dust.
Small Victories
I've had my lion mask done for a few weeks already; I wish I knew how I managed that so far in advance ;o). The tan pants and top I plan to wear have arrived as well and fit well enough. Ordinarily I wouldn't choose ruffles on a scoop neck tee, but ruffles seemed to reflect the idea of fullness in a lion's mane, so I jumped on board with whimsy. I've decided to overlook the small annoyance that these pieces match perfectly in some lighting and are a slight mismatch in others. Seems the match is still closer than I'd be likely to find if I were to drive to the mall and scrounge.
I've been debating reworking the neck on Addie's lion sweater. For Halloween we like to sit on the front porch and wait for kids. I put a blanket out so she's not on the concrete and while she's inclined to stay right with me I always keep her on a leash as well. This is a whole lot easier and more enjoyable than the alternative: Ding-DONG! ARRRAwff, Ruff, wuff WUFF!! calm, Addie-QUIET! Thats ENOUGH! It would be nice to have a leash slot in the back of the neck of that sweater. Ding-DONG! ARRRAwff, Ruff, wuff WUFF!! calm, Addie-QUIET! Thats ENOUGH! I'd also like to maybe add some additional length to the collar so it will more easily stay up near her head. Next stop Ding-DONG! ARRRAwff, Ruff, wuff WUFF!! calm, Addie-QUIET! Thats ENOUGH! is to see if I still have any of that butterscotch yarn around here. Except where my words and thoughts are being interrupted imagine I'm missing something on tv and having to pick up and put down my knitting over and over. Oooooh! I do have my Koala Caddie. I'm gonna be a knitting lion; often the kids are a bit far apart at times so sitting and waiting can get boring too.
Recently I've been wondering whether or not I have enough honey colored mask yarn leftover to make mittens without finger tips or plain fingerless mittens. To have paws, I suppose. But it seems that would really be pushing my luck. I've been hoping ever since I finished my mask that Halloween won't be too hot here to actually. Only at the end when I tried it on did I learn it was a bit warm. Often our Halloweens can be pretty sweaty and often fairly mosquito-y too. Lucky lucky me, the weather has been so beautiful lately. The numbers still sound high, especially to people who think the high 80s is too hot, but the humidity/dewpoint have been so much more manageable than usual. It's an incredible gift. Just caught the forecast and it looks like this week we shouldn't be over 85. Woo-hooo! Doesn't seem like the heat will be back any time soon. It's wonderful to be able to walk around the block at midnight and not feel like you're in a swamp.
I still need to buy candy. I like to add Halloween pencils and erasers to the candy, but sometimes I'll buy 24 pks of crayolas when they're on sale super cheap. I missed that this year, but don't want to do the same thing every year, either. Can't buy candy until about 2 nights before or too much of it will be eaten before the big night. Even at that I like to choose things that it seems everyone else but me likes; that way I'm not tempted.
ETA: bought the candy very early in the morning on Halloween.
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